Space and Place EDITORIAL: Locating the self In taking up and exploring the themes of space and place, we inevitably also placed…Biannca ChallansAugust 26, 2019
Space and Place Locus Locus is a physical, ritual mark-making experience that is both methodical and delicate.Biannca ChallansAugust 19, 2019
Space and Place Encountering, Positioning and Orientating my Queer “Self” Dylan Rowen explores how we are map-makers of ourselves, how we are cartographers of a…Biannca ChallansAugust 14, 2019
Space and Place A Pesky Case of Grief Hey Miss, I’m having a pesky case of grief again, can I lie down for…Amelia WalkerAugust 14, 2019
Space and Place East Terrace/Payneham Road The two poems explore the significance the intangible, and how it can hold memories, people,…Biannca ChallansAugust 14, 2019
Space and Place Queer Urry and Pearce grasp at language to describe ways of experiencing, doing, and exploring sexuality…Biannca ChallansAugust 14, 2019
Space and Place Xenokin and Queer Morphologies Barratt/da Rimini/Nilsson materialise the speculative as they “build” and “create” home and family outside of…Biannca ChallansAugust 14, 2019
Space and Place The Re-Producing Womb-Matrix Harris-Faull explores how the reproductive potential of printmaking could destabilise and diversify historical socio-cultural understandings…Biannca ChallansAugust 14, 2019