Anna Karenina Remix: Death, desire, and the space in-between

Natalie Pirotta
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The space I have sought to explore in these works is the ‘still point’ — the
space created by the dance that is outside the normal passage of time and
space. The dancers follow the steps of the dance, which take them to a space
outside of everyday day life that is ‘strangely unstable and strangely regulated,
strangely spontaneous, but at the same time strangely contrived’(Valery 70).
Within this space there is no time, or rather time ceases: there is only the flow
of the dance to the rhythm of the music. Valery describes this as a ‘dwelling
place where certain muscular themes follow one another in an order which
creates a special kind of time that is absolutely its own”(71). Just as time and
place seem to ceases, so does the individual self — the boundaries between
the self and other blur — ‘there is only the dance’.

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